.. _cli-pegasus-config: ============== pegasus-config ============== Can be used to find installed Pegasus tools and libraries. :: pegasus-config [-h] [--help] [-V] [--version] [--noeoln] [--perl-dump] [--perl-hash] [--python-dump] [--sh-dump] [--bin] [--conf] [--java] [--perl] [--python] [--python-externals] [--r] [--schema] [--classpath] Description =========== **pegasus-config** is used to find locations of Pegasus system components. The tool is used internally in Pegasus and by users who need to find paths for DAX generator libraries and schemas. Options ======= **-h**; \ **--help** Prints help and exits. **-V**; \ **--version** Prints Pegasus version information **--perl-dump** Dumps all settings in perl format as separate variables. **--perl-hash** Dumps all settings in perl format as single perl hash. **--python-dump** Dumps all settings in python format. **--sh-dump** Dumps all settings in shell format. **--bin** Print the directory containing Pegasus binaries. **--conf** Print the directory containing configuration files. **--java** Print the directory containing the jars. **--perl** Print the directory to include into your PERL5LIB. **--python** Print the directory to include into your PYTHONLIB. **--python-externals** Print the directory to the external Python libraries. **--r** Print the path to the R DAX API source package. **--schema** Print the directory containing schemas. **--classpath** Builds a classpath containing the Pegasus jars. **--noeoln** Do not produce a end-of-line after output. This is useful when being called from non-shell backticks in scripts. However, order is important for this option: If you intend to use it, specify it first. Example ======= To set the PYTHONPATH variable in your shell for using the Python DAX API: :: export PYTHONPATH=`pegasus-config --python` To set the same path inside Python: :: config = subprocess.Popen("pegasus-config --python-dump", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).communicate()[0] exec config To set the PERL5LIB variable in your shell for using the Perl DAX API: :: export PERL5LIB=`pegasus-config --perl` To set the same path inside Perl: .. code:: perl eval `pegasus-config --perl-dump`; die("Unable to eval pegasus-config output: $@") if $@; will set variables a number of lexically local-scoped **my** variables with prefix "pegasus\_" and expand Perl’s search path for this script. Alternatively, you can fail early and collect all Pegasus-related variables into a single global ``%pegasus`` variable for convenience: .. code:: perl BEGIN { eval `pegasus-config --perl-hash`; die("Unable to eval pegasus-config output: $@") if $@; }