.. _cli-pegasus-em: ========== pegasus-em ========== Submit and monitor ensembles of workflows :: pegasus-em COMMAND [options] [ARGUMENT…] Commands ======== **server** [-d] Start the ensemble manager server. **ensembles** List ensembles. **create** *ENSEMBLE* [-R *MAX_RUNNING*] [-P *MAX_PLANNING*] Create an ensemble. **pause** *ENSEMBLE* Pause ensemble. **activate** *ENSEMBLE* Activate a paused ensemble. **config** *ENSEMBLE* [-R *MAX_RUNNING*] \| [-P *MAX_PLANNING*] Configure an ensemble. **submit** *ENSEMBLE.WORKFLOW* *plan_command* [ARGUMENT…] Submit a workflow. The command is either **pegasus-plan**, or a shell script that calls **pegasus-plan**. The output of *plan_command* must contain the output of **pegasus-plan**. **workflows** *ENSEMBLE* [-l] List the workflows in an ensemble. **replan** *ENSEMBLE.WORKFLOW* Replan a failed workflow. **rerun** *ENSEMBLE.WORKFLOW* Rerun a failed workflow. **status** *ENSEMBLE.WORKFLOW* Display the status of a workflow. **analyze** *ENSEMBLE.WORKFLOW* Analyze the current state of a workflow. **priority** *ENSEMBLE.WORKFLOW* -p *PRIORITY* Alter the priority of a workflow. **cron-trigger** *ENSEMBLE* *TRIGGER* *INTERVAL* *WORKFLOW_SCRIPT* [-t TIMEOUT] [--args ARG1 [ARG2 ...]] Start a timed workflow trigger. **file-pattern-trigger** *ENSEMBLE* *TRIGGER* *INTERVAL* *WORKFLOW_SCRIPT* *FILE_PATTERN* [FILE_PATTERN ...] [-t TIMEOUT] [--args ARG1 [ARG2 ...]] Start a timed, file pattern workflow trigger. Common Options ============== **-h**; \ **--help** Print help message **-d**; \ **--debug** Enable debugging Create and Config Options ========================= **-R** *N*; \ **--max-running** *N* Maximum number of concurrently running workflows. **-P** *N*; \ **--max-planning** *N* Maximum number of workflows being planned simultaneously. Workflows Options ================= **-l**; \ **--long** Use long listing format.