.. _cli-pegasus-graphviz: ================ pegasus-graphviz ================ Convert a Pegasus workflow YAML or DAX file, or Condor DAGMan file into a graphviz dot file :: pegasus-graphviz [options] FILE Description =========== pegasus-graphviz is a tool that generates a graphviz DOT file based on a Pegasus DAX file or DAGMan DAG file. **FILE** in ``pegasus-graphviz [options] FILE`` must have the extension ``.yml``, ``.dax``, ``.xml``, or ``.dag``. Options ======= **-h**; \ **--help** Show the help message **-s**; \ **--nosimplify** Do not simplify the graph by removing redundant edges. [default: False] **-l** *LABEL*; \ **--label** *LABEL* What attribute to use for labels. One of *label*,\ *xform*, or *id*. For *label*, the transformation is used for jobs that have no node-label. [default: label] **-o** *FILE*; \ **--output** *FILE* Write output to ``FILE``. If ``FILE`` is given with any of the following extensions: ``'png'``, ``'jpg'``, ``'jpeg'``, ``'pdf'``, ``'gif'``, and ``'svg'``, pegasus-graphviz will internally invoke ``dot -T -o FILE``. Note that graphviz must be installed to output these file types. If any other extension is given, the raw dot representation is output to ``FILE``. [default: stdout] **-r** *XFORM*; \ **--remove** *XFORM* Remove jobs from the workflow by transformation name **-W** *WIDTH*; \ **--width** *WIDTH* Width of the digraph. **-H** *HEIGHT*; \ **--height** *HEIGHT* Height of the digraph. **-f**; \ **--files** Include files. This option is only valid for DAX files. [default: false] Example ======= :: pegasus-graphviz workflow.yml :: pegasus-graphviz workflow.dax :: pegasus-graphviz workflow.yml --label=xform-id --output=wf.dot