.. _cli-pegasus-s3: ========== pegasus-s3 ========== Upload, download, delete objects in Amazon S3. :: pegasus-s3 help pegasus-s3 ls [options] URL pegasus-s3 mkdir URL pegasus-s3 rm [options] URL pegasus-s3 put [options] FILE URL pegasus-s3 get [options] URL [FILE] pegasus-s3 cp [options] SRC… DEST Description =========== **pegasus-s3** is a client for the Amazon S3 object storage service and any other storage services that conform to the Amazon S3 API, such as Eucalyptus Walrus. Note that this tool is mainly used internally by :ref:`cli-pegasus-transfer` and it is recommended to use Amazon's `AWS Command Line Interface`_. .. _AWS Command Line Interface: https://aws.amazon.com/cli/ Options ======= Global Options -------------- **-h**; \ **--help** Show help message for subcommand and exit **-d**; \ **--debug** Turn on debugging **-v**; \ **--verbose** Show progress messages **-C** *FILE*; \ **--conf**\ =\ *FILE* Path to configuration file ls Options ---------- **-l**; \ **--long** Use long listing format that includes size, etc. **-H**; \ **--human-sized** Use human readable sizes rm Options ---------- **-f**; \ **--force** Ignore nonexistent keys **-F**; \ **--file** File containing a list of URLs to delete put Options ----------- **-b**; \ **--create-bucket** Create the destination bucket if it does not already exist **-f**; \ **--force** Overwrite key if it already exists cp Options ---------- **-c**; \ **--create-dest** Create the destination bucket if it does not exist. **-f**; \ **--force** If DEST exists, then overwrite it. Subcommands =========== **pegasus-s3** has several subcommands for different storage service operations. **help** The help subcommand lists all available subcommands. **ls** The **ls** subcommand lists the contents of a URL. If the URL does not contain a bucket, then all the buckets owned by the user are listed. If the URL contains a bucket, but no key, then all the keys in the bucket are listed. If the URL contains a bucket and a key, then all keys in the bucket that begin with the specified key are listed. **mkdir** The **mkdir** subcommand creates one or more buckets. **rm** The **rm** subcommand deletes one or more keys from the storage service. **put** The **put** subcommand stores the file specified by FILE in the storage service under the bucket and key specified by URL. If the URL contains a bucket, but not a key, then the file name is used as the key. If URL ends with a "/", then the file name is appended to the URL to create the key name (e.g. ``pegasus-s3 put foo s3://u@h/bucket/key`` will create a key called "key", while ``pegasus-s3 put foo s3://u@h/bucket/key/`` will create a key called ``key/foo``. **get** The **get** subcommand retrieves an object from the storage service identified by URL and stores it in the file specified by FILE. If FILE is not specified, then the part of the key after the last "/" is used as the file name, and the result is placed in the current working directory. **cp** The **cp** subcommand copies keys on the server. Keys cannot be copied between accounts. URL Format ========== All URLs for objects stored in S3 should be specified in the following format: :: s3[s]://USER@SITE[/BUCKET[/KEY]] The protocol part can be *s3://* or *s3s://*. If *s3s://* is used, then **pegasus-s3** will force the connection to use SSL and override the setting in the configuration file. If s3:// is used, then whether the connection uses SSL or not is determined by the value of the *endpoint* variable in the configuration for the site. The *USER@SITE* part is required, but the *BUCKET* and *KEY* parts may be optional depending on the context. The *USER@SITE* portion is referred to as the “identity”, and the *SITE* portion is referred to as the “site”. Both the identity and the site are looked up in the configuration file (see :ref:`S3_CONFIGURATION`) to determine the parameters to use when establishing a connection to the service. The site portion is used to find the host and port, whether to use SSL, and other things. The identity portion is used to determine which authentication tokens to use. This format is designed to enable users to easily use multiple services with multiple authentication tokens. Note that neither the *USER* nor the *SITE* portion of the URL have any meaning outside of **pegasus-s3**. They do not refer to real usernames or hostnames, but are rather handles used to look up configuration values in the configuration file. The BUCKET portion of the URL is the part between the 3rd and 4th slashes. Buckets are part of a global namespace that is shared with other users of the storage service. As such, they should be unique. The KEY portion of the URL is anything after the 4th slash. Keys can include slashes, but S3-like storage services do not have the concept of a directory like regular file systems. Instead, keys are treated like opaque identifiers for individual objects. So, for example, the keys *a/b* and *a/c* have a common prefix, but cannot be said to be in the same *directory*. Some example URLs are: :: s3://ewa@amazon s3://juve@skynet/gideon.isi.edu s3://juve@magellan/pegasus-images/centos-5.5-x86_64-20101101.part.1 s3s://ewa@amazon/pegasus-images/data.tar.gz .. _S3_CONFIGURATION: Configuration ============= Each user should specify a configuration file that **pegasus-s3** will use to look up connection parameters and authentication tokens. Search Path ----------- This client will look in the following locations, in order, to locate the user’s configuration file: 1. The -C/--conf argument 2. The S3CFG environment variable 3. $HOME/.pegasus/credentials.conf (default for workflows) Configuration File Format ------------------------- The configuration file is in INI format and contains two types of entries. The first type of entry is a site entry, which specifies the configuration for a storage service. This entry specifies the service endpoint that **pegasus-s3** should connect to for the site, and some optional features that the site may support. Here is an example of a site entry for Amazon S3: :: [amazon] endpoint = http://s3.amazonaws.com/ The other type of entry is an identity entry, which specifies the authentication information for a user at a particular site. Here is an example of an identity entry: :: [pegasus@amazon] access_key = 90c4143642cb097c88fe2ec66ce4ad4e secret_key = a0e3840e5baee6abb08be68e81674dca .. warning:: Access and secret keys should not be quoted. It is important to note that user names and site names used are only logical—they do not correspond to actual hostnames or usernames, but are simply used as a convenient way to refer to the services and identities used by the client. The configuration file should be saved with limited permissions. Only the owner of the file should be able to read from it and write to it (i.e. it should have permissions of 0600 or 0400). If the file has more liberal permissions, then **pegasus-s3** will fail with an error message. The purpose of this is to prevent the authentication tokens stored in the configuration file from being accessed by other users. Configuration Variables ----------------------- **endpoint** (site) The URL of the web service endpoint. **batch_delete** (site) Whether to perform deletions in batches per bucket. Defaults to ``True``. **batch_delete_size** (site) Size of each batch when ``batch_delete=True``. Defaults to ``1000``. **access_key** (identity) The access key for the identity **secret_key** (identity) The secret key for the identity Example Configuration --------------------- This is an example configuration that specifies a two sites (amazon and magellan) and three identities (``pegasus@amazon``,\ ``juve@magellan``, and ``voeckler@magellan``). :: [amazon] endpoint = https://s3.amazonaws.com/ [pegasus@amazon] access_key = 90c4143642cb097c88fe2ec66ce4ad4e secret_key = a0e3840e5baee6abb08be68e81674dca [magellan] # NERSC Magellan is a Eucalyptus site. It doesn't support multipart uploads, # or ranged downloads (the defaults), and the maximum object size is 5GB # (also the default) endpoint = [juve@magellan] access_key = quwefahsdpfwlkewqjsdoijldsdf secret_key = asdfa9wejalsdjfljasldjfasdfa [voeckler@magellan] # Each site can have multiple associated identities access_key = asdkfaweasdfbaeiwhkjfbaqwhei secret_key = asdhfuinakwjelfuhalsdflahsdl Example ======= List all buckets owned by identity *user@amazon*: :: $ pegasus-s3 ls s3://user@amazon List the contents of bucket *bar* for identity *user@amazon*: :: $ pegasus-s3 ls s3://user@amazon/bar List all objects in bucket *bar* that start with *hello*: :: $ pegasus-s3 ls s3://user@amazon/bar/hello Create a bucket called *mybucket* for identity *user@amazon*: :: $ pegasus-s3 mkdir s3://user@amazon/mybucket Upload a file *foo* to bucket *bar*: :: $ pegasus-s3 put foo s3://user@amazon/bar/foo Download an object *foo* in bucket *bar*: :: $ pegasus-s3 get s3://user@amazon/bar/foo foo Return Value ============ **pegasus-s3** returns a zero exist status if the operation is successful. A non-zero exit status is returned in case of failure.