Source code for Pegasus.api.writable

import getpass
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, TextIO, Union

from .errors import PegasusError

from Pegasus import yaml

__all__ = ["Writable"]

class _CustomEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    def default(self, obj):
        # TODO: handle instance of Date and Path
        if isinstance(obj, Date):
                        return "whatever spec we come up with for Date such as ISO8601"
        elif isinstance(obj, Path):
            return obj.resolve

        if hasattr(obj, "__json__"):
            if callable(obj.__json__):
                return obj.__json__()
                raise TypeError("__json__ is not callable for {}".format(obj))

        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

def _filter_out_nones(_dict):
    """Helper function to remove keys where their values are set to None to avoid cluttering yaml/json files

    :param _dict: object represented as a dict
    :type _dict: dict
    :raises ValueError: _dict must be of type dict
    :return: new dictionary with 'None' values removed
    :rtype: dict
    if not isinstance(_dict, dict):
        raise TypeError(
            "invalid _dict: {}; _dict must be of type {}".format(_dict, type(dict))

    return OrderedDict([(k, v) for k, v in _dict.items() if v is not None])

[docs] class Writable: """Derived class can be serialized to a json or yaml file""" _FORMATS = {"yml", "yaml", "json"} def __init__(self): self._path = None @property def path(self) -> Path: """ Retrieve the path to which this object has been written to. :raises PegasusError: object has not yet been written to a file :return: resolved path to which this object has been written :rtype: Path """ if self._path == None: raise PegasusError( "{}.write(filename) must be called before trying to retrieve path".format( self.__class__.__name__ ) ) return Path(self._path) def _write(self, file, _format): """Internal function to dump to file in either yaml or json formats :param file: file object to write to :type file: file :param _format: file format that can be "yml", "yaml", or "json :type _ext: str :raises ValueError: _format must be one of "yml", "yaml" or "json" """ if _format.lower() not in Writable._FORMATS: raise ValueError( "invalid _ext: {_format}, extension must be one of {formats}".format( _format=_format, formats=Writable._FORMATS ) ) # add file info self_as_dict = OrderedDict( [ ( "x-pegasus", { "createdBy": getpass.getuser(), "createdOn":"%m-%d-%yT%H:%M:%SZ"), "apiLang": "python", }, ) ] ) self_as_dict.update( json.loads( json.dumps(self, cls=_CustomEncoder), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict ) ) if _format == "yml" or _format == "yaml": # TODO: figure out how to get yaml.dump to recurse down into nested objects # yaml.dump(_CustomEncoder().default(self), file, sort_keys=False) yaml.dump(self_as_dict, file, allow_unicode=True) else: json.dump( self_as_dict, file, cls=_CustomEncoder, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False )
[docs] def write(self, file: Optional[Union[str, TextIO]] = None, _format: str = "yml"): """Serialize this class as either yaml or json and write to the given file. If file==None, this class will be written to a default file. The following classes have these defaults: .. table:: Default Files :widths: auto ===================== =================== Class Default Filename ===================== =================== SiteCatalog sites.yml ReplicaCatalog replicas.yml TransformationCatalog transformations.yml Workflow workflow.yml ===================== =================== :param file: path or file object (opened in "w" mode) to write to, defaults to None :type file: Optional[Union[str, TextIO]] :param _format: can be either "yml", "yaml" or "json", defaults to "yml" :type _format: str, optional :raises ValueError: _format must be one of "yml", "yaml" or "json" :raises TypeError: file must be a str or file object """ if _format.lower() not in Writable._FORMATS: raise ValueError( "invalid file format: {_format}, format should be one of 'yml', 'yaml', or 'json'" ) # default file name if file is None: file = self._DEFAULT_FILENAME # do the write if isinstance(file, str): path = Path(file) ext = path.suffix[1:].lower() with open(file, "w") as f: if ext in Writable._FORMATS: self._write(f, ext) else: self._write(f, _format) self._path = str(path.resolve()) elif hasattr(file, "read"): try: f = Path(str( ext = f.suffix[1:] except AttributeError: # writing to a stream such as StringIO with # no attr "name" self._write(file, _format) else: if ext in Writable._FORMATS: self._write(file, ext) else: self._write(file, _format) if isinstance(, str): self._path = str(Path( else: raise TypeError( "{file} must be of type str or file object".format(file=file) )