We encourage you to join the Slack Workspace as it is an on-going, open forum for all Pegasus users to share ideas, experiences, and talk out issues with the Pegasus Development team. Please click the button above or ask for an invite by trying to join in the Slack app, or send an email to to request an invite.
Mailing Lists
This list is the main support vehicle for Pegasus. Please note that the following subscription link requires a Google-linked email address. If you want to subscribe with non-linked email address, please contact us at and we will add you.
Messages about new releases and updates. Low traffic. Please note that the following subscription link requires a Google-linked email address. If you want to subscribe with non-linked email address, please contact us at and we will add you.
Report A Bug
You can report bugs on GitHub Issues.
Online Pegasus Office Hours
Pegasus team holds online Pegasus Office Hours every Friday.
You can find more details here.
Other Support Avenues
Private support requests and bug reports can be emailed to Emails to this address go to a group of Pegasus team members.