=============================== Release Notes for PEGASUS 2.2.0 =============================== NEW FEATURES -------------- 1) Naming scheme changed for auxillary jobs Pegasus during the refinement of the abstract workflow to the executable workflows adds auxillary jobs to do data stagein/stageout, create work directories for workflow etc. The prefixes/suffixes added for these jobs has been changed. Type of Job | Old Prefix | New Prefix ------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Stage In Job | rc_tx_ | stage_in_ Data Stage Out Job | new_rc_tx_ | stage_out_ Data Stage In Job between sites | inter_tx_ | stage_inter_ Data Registration Job | new_rc_register_ | register_ Cleanup Job | cln_ | clean_up_ Transfer job to transfer the | setup_tx_ | stage_worker_ worker package | | Additionally, the suffixes for the create dir jobs are now replaced by prefixes Type of Job | Old Suffix | New Prefix ------------------------------------------------------------------- Directory creation job | _cdir | create_dir_ Synch Job in HourGlass mode | pegasus_concat | pegasus_concat_ 2) Staging of worker package to remote sites Pegasus now supports staging of worker package as part of the workflow. This feature is tracked through pegasus bugzilla . http://vtcpc.isi.edu/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=35 The worker package is staged automatically to the remote site, by adding a setup transfer job to the workflow. The setup transfer job by default uses GUC to stage the data. However, this can be configured by setting the property pegasus.transfer.setup.impl property. If you also, have pegasus.transfer.*.impl set in your properties file, then you need explicilty set pegasus.transfer.setup.impl to GUC The code discovers the worker package by looking up pegasus::worker in the transformation catalog. Note: that the basename of the url's should not be changed. Pegasus parses the basename to determine the version of the worker package. Pegasus automatically determines the location of the worker package to deploy on the remote site. Currently default mappings are as follows INTEL32 => x86 AMD64 => x86_64 or x86 if not available INTEL64 =>x86 OS LINUX = rhel3 There is an untar job added to the workflow after the setup job that un tars the worker package on the remote site. It defaults to /bin/tar . However can be overriden by specifying the entry tar in the transformation catalog for a particular site. 3) New Site Catalog Schema This release of Pegasus has support for site catalog schema version 3. HTML visualization of schema: http://pegasus.isi.edu/mapper/docs/schemas/sc-3.0/sc-3.0.html Schema itself: http://pegasus.isi.edu/schema/sc-3.0.xsd A sample xml file : http://pegasus.isi.edu/schema/sc-3.0-sample.xml To use a site catalog in the new format set pegasus.catalog.site XML3 Changes to sc-client sc-client command line tool was updated to convert an existing site catalog from old format to the new format. Sample usage sc-client -i ldg-old-sites.xml -I XML -o ldg-new-sites.xml -O XML3 sc-client --help gives detailed help 4) pegasus-get-sites pegasus-get-sites was recoded in JAVA and now generates the site catalog confromant to schema sc-3.0. Sample Usage to query VORS to generate a site catalog for OSG. pegasus-get-sites --source VORS --grid osg -s ./sites-new.xml The value passed to the source option is case sensitive. Additionally, the VORS module of pegasus-get-sites determines the value of GLOBUS_LOCATION variable dependant on whether the auxillary jobmanager is of type fork or not. If it is of type fork then picks up the value of GLOBUS_LOCATION variable published in VORS for that site. else it picks up the value from OSG_GRID variable published in VORS for that site. i.e. GLOBUS_LOCATION is set to $OSG_GRID/globus 5) Overhaul of logging The Pegasus logging interfaces have been reworked. Now users can specify the logger they want to use, by specifying the property pegasus.log.manager . Currently, two logging implementations are supported. Default - Pegasus homegrown logger that logs to stdout and stderr directly. Log4j - Uses log4j to log the messages. The Log4j properties can be specified at runtime by specifying the property pegasus.log.manager.log4j.conf The format of the log message themselves can be specified at runtime by specifying the property pegasus.log.manager.formatter Right now two formatting modes are supported a) Simple - This formats the messages in a simple format. The messages are logged as is with minimal formatting. Below are sample log messages in this format while ranking a dax according to performance. event.pegasus.ranking dax.id se18-gda.dax - STARTED event.pegasus.parsing.dax dax.id se18-gda-nested.dax - STARTED event.pegasus.parsing.dax dax.id se18-gda-nested.dax - FINISHED job.id jobGDA job.id jobGDA query.name getpredicted performace time 10.00 event.pegasus.ranking dax.id se18-gda.dax - FINISHED b) Netlogger - This formats the messages in the Netlogger format , that is based on key value pairs. The netlogger format is useful for loading the logs into a database to do some meaningful analysis. Below are sample log messages in this format while ranking a dax according to performance. ts=2008-09-06T12:26:20.100502Z event=event.pegasus.ranking.start \ msgid=6bc49c1f-112e-4cdb-af54-3e0afb5d593c \ eventId=event.pegasus.ranking_8d7c0a3c-9271-4c9c-a0f2-1fb57c6394d5 \ dax.id=se18-gda.dax prog=Pegasus ts=2008-09-06T12:26:20.100750Z event=event.pegasus.parsing.dax.start \ msgid=fed3ebdf-68e6-4711-8224-a16bb1ad2969 \ eventId=event.pegasus.parsing.dax_887134a8-39cb-40f1-b11c-b49def0c5232\ dax.id=se18-gda-nested.dax prog=Pegasus ts=2008-09-06T12:26:20.100894Z event=event.pegasus.parsing.dax.end \ msgid=a81e92ba-27df-451f-bb2b-b60d232ed1ad \ eventId=event.pegasus.parsing.dax_887134a8-39cb-40f1-b11c-b49def0c5232 ts=2008-09-06T12:26:20.100395Z event=event.pegasus.ranking \ msgid=4dcecb68-74fe-4fd5-aa9e-ea1cee88727d \ eventId=event.pegasus.ranking_8d7c0a3c-9271-4c9c-a0f2-1fb57c6394d5 \ job.id="jobGDA" ts=2008-09-06T12:26:20.100395Z event=event.pegasus.ranking \ msgid=4dcecb68-74fe-4fd5-aa9e-ea1cee88727d \ eventId=event.pegasus.ranking_8d7c0a3c-9271-4c9c-a0f2-1fb57c6394d5 \ job.id="jobGDA" query.name="getpredicted performace" time="10.00" ts=2008-09-06T12:26:20.102003Z event=event.pegasus.ranking.end \ msgid=31f50f39-efe2-47fc-9f4c-07121280cd64 \ eventId=event.pegasus.ranking_8d7c0a3c-9271-4c9c-a0f2-1fb57c6394d5 6) New Transfer Refiner Pegasus has a new transfer refiner named Cluster. In this refinement strategy, clusters of stage-in and stageout jobs are created per level of the workflow. It builds upon the Bundle refiner. The differences between the Bundle and Cluster refiner are as follows. - stagein is also clustered/bundled per level. In Bundle it was for the whole workflow. - keys that control the clustering ( old name bundling are ) cluster.stagein and cluster.stageout instead of bundle.stagein and bundle.stageout This refinement strategy also adds dependencies between the stagein transfer jobs on different levels of the workflow to ensure that stagein for the top level happens first and so on. An image of the workflow with this refinement strategy can be found at http://vtcpc.isi.edu/pegasus/index.php/ChangeLog#Added_a_Cluster_Transfer_Refiner 7) New Transfer Implementation for GUC from globus 4.x Pegasus has a new transfer implementation that allows it to use GUC from globus 4.x series to transfer multiple files in one job. In order to use this transfer implementation - the property pegasus.transfer.*.impl must be set to value GUC. There should be an entry in the transformation catalog with the fully qualified name as globus::guc for all the sites where workflow is run, or on the local site in case of third party transfers. Pegasus can automatically construct the path to the globus-url-copy client, if the environment variable GLOBUS_LOCATION is specified in the site catalog for the site. The arguments with which the client is invoked can be specified - by specifying the property pegasus.transfer.arguments - associating the Pegasus profile key transfer.arguments 8) Recursive DAX'es There is prototypical support for recursive dax'es. Recursive DAX'es give you the ability to specify a job in the DAX that points to another DAX that has to be executed. There is a sample recursive dax at $PEGASUS_HOME/examples/recursive.dax The dax refers to pegasus jobs in turn plan and execute a dax To get this dax planned by pegasus you will need to have additional entries for dagman and pegasus in your transformation catalog. For e.g. local condor::dagman /opt/condor/7.1.0/bin/condor_dagman INSTALLED INTEL32::LINUX NULL local pegasus::pegasus-plan:2.0 /lfs1/software/install/pegasus/default INSTALLED INTEL32::LINUX NULL The recursive dax needs to be planned for site local, since the pegasus itself runs on local site. The jobs in the dax specify -s option where you want each of your workflows to run. Recursive DAX do not need to contain only pegasus jobs. They can contain application/normal jobs that one usually specifies in a DAX. Pegasus determines that a particular job is planning and execute job by looking for a pegasus profile key named type with value recursive e.g. <job id="ID0000003" namespace="pegasus" name="pegasus-plan" version="2.0"> <profile namespace="pegasus" key="type">recursive</profile> <argument>-Dpegasus.user.properties=/lfs1/work/conf/properties --dax /lfs1/work/dax3 -s tacc -o local --nocleanup --force --rescue 1 --cluster horizontal -vvvvv --dir ./dag_3 </argument> </job> 09) Rescue option to pegasus-plan for deferred planning A rescue option to pegasus-plan has been added. The rescue option takes in an integer value, that determines the number of times rescue dags are submitted before re-planning is triggered in case of failures in deferred planning. For this to work, Condor 7.1.0 or higher is required as it relies on the recently implemented auto rescue feature in Condor DAGMan. Even though re-planning is triggered, Condor DAGMan still ends up submitting the rescue dag as it auto detects. The fix to it is to remove the rescue dag files in case of re-planning. This is still to be implemented 10) -j|--job-prefix option to pegasus-plan pegasus-plan can now be passed the -j|--job-prefix option to designate the prefix that needs to be used for constructing the job submit file. 11) Executing workflows on Amazon EC2 Pegasus now has support of running workflows on EC2 with the storage of files on S3. This feature is still in testing phase and has not been tested fully. To execute workflows on EC2/S3, Pegasus needs to be configured to use S3 specific implementations of it's internal API's a) First level Staging API - The S3 implementation stages in from the local site ( submit node ) to a bucket on S3. Similarly the data is staged back from the bucket to the local site ( submit node ) . All the first level transfers happen between the submit node and the cloud. This means that input data can *only* be present on the submit node when running on the cloud, and the output data can be staged back only to the submit node. b) Second Level Staging API - The S3 implementation retrieves input data from the bucket to the worker node tmp directory and puts created data back in the bucket. c) Directory creation API - The S3 implementation creates a bucket on S3 for the workflow instead of a directory. d) Cleanup API - To cleanup files from the workflow specific bucket on S3 during workflow execution. The above implementations rely on s3cmd command line client to interface with S3 filesystem. There should be an entry in the transformation catalog with the fully qualified name as amazon::s3cmd for the site corresponding to the cloud and the local site. To configure Pegasus to use these implementations set the following properties pegasus.transfer.*.impl S3 pegasus.transfer.sls.*.impl S3 pegasus.dir.create.impl S3 pegasus.file.cleanup.impl S3 pegasus.execute.*.filesystem.local true 12) Support for OSU Datacutter jobs Pegasus has new gridstart mode called DCLauncher. This allows us to launch the Data Cutter jobs using the wrapper that OSU group wrote. Pegasus now supports the condor parallel universe. To launch a job using DCLauncher, the following pegasus profile keys need to be associated with the job gridstart to DCLauncher gridstart.path the path to the DCLauncher script 13) New Pegasus Profiles Keys a) create.dir - this profile key triggers kicstart to create and change directories before launching a job. b) gridstart.path - this profile key specifies the path to the gridstart used to launch a particular job c) runtime - this profile key is useful when using Heft based site selection. It allows users to associate expected runtimes of jobs with the job description in DAX. 14) Kickstart captures machine information Kickstart now logs machine information in the invocation record that it creates for each job invocation. The Kickstart JAVA parser can parse both records in old and new format. A snippet of machine information captured is show below <machine page-size="4096" provider="LINUX"> <stamp>2008-09-23T13:58:05.211-07:00</stamp> <uname system="linux" nodename="viz-login" release="" machine="i686">#2 SMP Thu Apr 28 18:41:14 PDT 2005</uname> <ram total="2125209600" free="591347712" shared="0" buffer="419291136"/> <swap total="2006884352" free="2006876160"/> <boot idle="943207.170">2008-09-12T12:03:49.772-07:00</boot> <cpu count="4" speed="2400" vendor="GenuineIntel">Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.40GHz</cpu> <load min1="0.07" min5="0.04" min15="0.00"/> <proc total="110" running="1" sleeping="109" vmsize="614912000" rss="206729216"/> <task total="133" running="1" sleeping="132"/> </machine> 15) Kickstart works in cygwin environment Kickstart now compiles on cygwin. Kickstart could not find SYS_NMLN variable in Cygwin to determine the uname datastructure's size. Added a fix in the Makefile to add CFLAGS -DSYS_NMLN=20 when the OS is Cygwin/Windows The kickstart records generated on cygwin are slightly different from the ones generated unix platforms. The kickstart parser was modified to handle that. The differences are as follows - a) On cygwin inode value is double. The inode value is parsed as double , but cast to long to prevent errors. b) On cygwin the uid and gid values are long. They are passed as long, but cast to int to prevent errors. 16) Changes to dirmanager The dirmanager executable can now remove and create multiple directories. This is achieved by specifying a whitespace separated list of directories to the --dir option. 17) Added color-file option to showjob There is now a --color-file option to show-job in $PEGASUS_HOME/contrib/showlog to pass a file that has the mappings from transformation name to colors. The format of each line is as follows transformation-name color This can be used to assign different colors to compute jobs in a workflow. The default color assigned is gray if none is specified. 18) jobstate-summary tool There is a new tool at $PEGASUS_HOME/bin/jobstate-summary. It attempts to give a summary for the workflow. Should help in jobstate-summ debugging failed job information. It will shows all the information associated with a failed job. It gets the list of failed job from the jobstate.log file. After that it parses latest kickstart file for each failed job and show the exit code and all the other information. Usage: jobstate-summary --i <input directory> [--v(erbose)] [--V(ersion)] [--h(elp)] Input directory is the place where all the log files including jobstate.log file reside. v option is for verbose debugging. V option gives the pegasus version. h option prints the help message. A sample run is like jobstate-summary -i /dags/pegasus/diamond/run0013 -v 19) Support for DAGMan node categories Pegasus now supports DAGMan node categories. DAGMan now allows to specify CATEGORIES for jobs, and then specify tuning parameters ( like maxjobs ) per category. This functionality is exposed in Pegasus as follows The user can associate a dagman profile key category with the jobs. The key attribute for the profile is category and value is the category to which the job belongs to. For example you can set the dagman category in the DAX for a job as follows <job id="ID000001" namespace="vahi" name="preprocess" version="1.0" level="3" dv-namespace="vahi" dv-name="top" dv-version="1.0"> <profile namespace="dagman" key="CATEGORY">short-running</profile> <argument>-a top -T 6 -i <filename file="david.f.a"/> -o <filename file="vahi.f.b1"/> <filename file="vahi.f.b2"/> </argument> <uses file="david.f.a" link="input" register="false" transfer="true" type="data"/> <uses file="vahi.f.b1" link="output" register="true" transfer="true" /> <uses file="vahi.f.b2" link="output" register="true" transfer="true" /> </job> The property pegasus.dagman.[category].maxjobs can be used to control the value. For the above example, the user can set the property as follows pegasus.dagman.short-running.maxjobs 2 In the DAG file generated you will see the category associated with jobs. For the above example, it will look as follows MAXJOBS short-running 2 CATEGORY preprocess_ID000001 short-running JOB preprocess_ID000001 preprocess_ID000001.sub RETRY preprocess_ID000001 2 20) Handling of pass through LFN If a job in a DAX, specifies the same LFN as an input and an output, it is a pass through LFN. Internally, the LFN is tagged only as an input for the job. The reason for this, being that we need to make sure that the replica catalog is queried for the location of the LFN. If this is not handled specially, then LFN is tagged internally as inout ( meaning it is generated during workflow execution ). LFN's with type inout are not queried for in the Replica Catalog in the force mode of operation 21) Tripping seqexec on first job failures By default seqexec does not stop execution even if one of the clustered jobs it is executing fails. This is because seqexec tries to get as much work done as possible. If for some reason, you want to make seqexec stop on first job failure, set the following property in the properties file pegasus.clusterer.job.aggregator.seqexec.firstjobfail true 22) New properties to choose the cleanup implementation Two new properties were added to select the strategy and implementation for file cleanup. pegasus.file.cleanup.strategy pegasus.file.cleanup.implementation Currently there is only one cleanup strategy ( InPlace ) that can be used and is loaded by default. The cleanup implementations that can be used are - Cleanup ( default) - RM - S3 Detailed documentation can be found at $PEGASUS_HOME/etc/sample.properties. 23) New properties to choose the create dir implementation The property pegasus.dir.create was deprecated. It has been replaced by pegasus.dir.create.strategy Additionally, a user can specify a property to choose the implementation used to create the directory on the remote sites. pegasus.dir.create.impl The create directory implementation that can be used are - DefaultImplementation uses $PEGASUS_HOME/bin/dirmanager executable to create a directory on the remote site. - S3 usese s3cmd to create a bucket on amazon S3. BUGS FIXED ---------- 1) Makefile for kickstart to build on Cygwin Kickstart could not find SYS_NMLN variable in Cygwin to determine the uname datastructure's size. Added a fix in the Makefile to add CFLAGS -DSYS_NMLN=20 when the OS is Cygwin/Windows 2) Bug fix to getsystem release tools Some systems have started using / in their system version name which causes failures in Pegasus build process. Fixed the getsystem release script which converts / into _ 3) Bug fix in file cleanup module when stageout is enabled. There was a bug in how the dependencies are added between the stageout jobs and the file cleanup jobs. In certain cases, cleanup could occur before the output was staged out. This is fixed now. This bug was tracked through bugzilla http://vtcpc.isi.edu/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=37 4) Bug fix to deferred planning Deferred planning used to fail if pegasus-plan was not given -o option . This is fixed now and was tracked through bugzilla http://vtcpc.isi.edu/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=34 5) Bug fix to caching on entries from Transformation Catalog In certain cases, caching of entries did not work for the INSTALLED case. This is fixed now and was tracked through bugzilla http://vtcpc.isi.edu/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=33
Pegasus 2.2.0 Released
on January 11, 2009
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