Pegasus 4.6.0 Released

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We are happy to announce the release of Pegasus 4.6.0.  Pegasus 4.6.0 is a major release of Pegasus and includes all the bug fixes and improvements in the 4.5.4 release
New features and Improvements in 4.6.0 are
  • metadata support
  • support for variable substitution
  • constraints based cleanup algorithm
  • common pegasus profiles to specify task requirements
  • new command line client pegasus-init to configure pegasus and pegasus-metadata to query workflow database for metadata
  • support for fallback PFN’s

Debian and Ubuntu users: Please note that the Apt repository GPG key has changed. To continue to get automatic updates, please follow the instructions on the download page on how to install the new key.

New Features

  • Metadata support in Pegasus
    Pegasus allows users to associate metadata at
    • Workflow Level in the DAX
    • Task level in the DAX and the Transformation Catalog
    • File level in the DAX and Replica Catalog
    Metadata is specified as a key value tuple, where both key and values are of type String.
    All the metadata ( user specified and auto-generated) gets populated into the workflow database ( usually in the workflow submit directory) by pegasus-monitord. The metadata in this database can be be queried for using the pegasus-metadata command line tool, or is also shown in the Pegasus Dashboard.
    Relevant JIRA items
    [PM-917] – modify the workflow database to associate metadata with workflow, job and files
    [PM-918] – modify pegasus-monitord to populate metadata into stampede database
    [PM-919] – pegasus-metadata command line tool
    [PM-916] – identify and generate the BP events for metadata
    [PM-913] – kickstart support for stat command line options
    [PM-1025] – Document the metadata capability for 4.6
    [PM-992] – automatically capture file metadata from kickstart and record it
    [PM-892] – Add metadata to DAX schema
    [PM-893] – Add metadata to Python DAX API
    [PM-894] – Add metadata to site catalog schema
    [PM-895] – Add metadata to transformation catalog text format
    [PM-902] – support for metadata to JAVA DAX API
    [PM-903] – add metadata to perl dax api
    [PM-904] – support for parsing DAX 3.6 documents
    [PM-978] – Update JDBCRC with the new schema
    [PM-925] – support for 4.1 new site catalog schema with metadata extensions
    [PM-991] – pegasus dashboard to display metadata stored in workflow database
  • Support for Variable Substitution

    Pegasus Planner supports notion of variable expansions in the DAX and the catalog files along the same lines as bash variable expansion works. This is often useful, when you want paths in your catalogs or profile values in the DAX to be picked up from the environment. An error is thrown if a variable cannot be expanded.

    Variable substitution is supported in the DAX, File Based Replica Catalog, Transformation Catalog and the  Site Catalog.


    Relevant JIRA items
    [PM-831] – Add better support for variables
  • Constraints based Cleanup Algorithm
    The planner now has support for a new cleanup algorithm called constraint. The algoirthm adds cleanup nodes to constraint the amount of storage space used by a workflow. The nodes remove files no longer required during execution. The added cleanup node guarantees limits on disk usage. The leaf cleanup nodes are also added when this is selected.
    [PM-850] – Integrate Sudarshan’s cleanup algorithm
  • Common Pegasus Profiles to indicate Resource Requirements for jobs
    Users can now specify Pegasus profiles to indicate resource requirements for jobs. Pegasus will automatically, translate these to the approprate condor, globus or batch system keys based on how the job is executed.

    The profiles are documented in the configuration chapter at ask requirement profiles are documented here

    [PM-962] – common pegasus profiles to indicate resource requirements for job

  • New client pegasus-init
    A new command line client called “pegasus-init” that generates a new workflow configuration based by asking the user a series of questions. Based on the responses to these questions, *pegasus-init* generates a workflow configuration including a DAX generator, site catalog, properties file, and other artifacts that can be edited to meet the user’s needs.
    [PM-1019] – pegasus-init client to setup pegasus on a machine
  • Support for automatic fallover to fallback file locations
    Pegasus, now during Replica Selection orders all the candidate replica’s instead of selecting the best replica. This replica’s are ordered based on the strategy selected, and the ordered list is passed to pegasus-transfer invocation. This allows users to specify failover, or preferred location for discovering the input files.
    By default, planner employs the following logic for the ordering of replicas
       – valid file URL’s . That is URL’s that have the site attribute matching the site where the executable pegasus-transfer is executed.
       – all URL’s from preferred site (usually the compute site)
        – all other remotely accessible ( non file) URL’s
    If a user wants to specify their own order preference , then they should use the Regex Replica Selector and specify a ranked order list of regular expressions in the properties.
    Relevant JIRA items:
    [PM-1002] – Support symlinking against compute site datasets in nonsharedfs mode with bypass of input file staging
    [PM-1014] – Support for Fallback PFN while transferring raw input files
  • Support SGE via the HTCondor Glite/Batch GAHP support
    Pegasus now has support for submitting to a local SGE cluster via the HTCondor Glite/Blahp interfaces. More details can be found in the documentation at 
    [PM-955] – Support for direct submission through SGE using Condor/Glite/Blahp layer

  • Glite Style improvements
    Users don’t need to set extra pegasus profiles to enable jobs to run correctly on glite style sites. By default, condor quoting for jobs  on glite style sites is disabled. Also, the -w option to kickstart is always as batch gahp does not support specification of a remote execution directory directly.
    If the user knows that a compute site shares a file system with the submit host, then they can get Pegasus to run the auxillary jobs in local universe. This is especially helpful , when submitting to local campus clusters using Glite and users don’t want the pegasus auxillary jobs to run through the cluster PBS|SGE queue.
    Relevant JIRA items
    [PM-934] – changed how environment is set for jobs submitted via HTCondor Glite / Blahp layer
    [PM-1024] – Use local universe for auxiliary jobs in glite/blahp mode
    [PM-1037] – Disable Condor Quoting for jobs run on glite style execution sites
    [PM-960] – Set default working dir to scratch dir for glite style jobs

  • Support for PAPI CPU counters in kickstart
    [PM-967] – Add support for PAPI CPU counters in Kickstart
  • Changes to worker package staging
    Pegasus now by default, attempts to use the worker package out of the Pegasus submit host installation unless a user has specified finer grained attributes for the compute sites in the site catalog or an entry is specified in the transformation catalog.
    Relevant JIRA items
    [PM-888] – Guess which worker package to use based on the submit host
  • [PM-953] – PMC now has the ability to set CPU affinity for multicore tasks.
  • [PM-954] – Add useful environment variables to PMC
  • [PM-985] – separate input and output replica catalogs
    Users can specify a different output replica catalog optionally by specifying the property with prefix pegasus.catalog.replica.output
    This is useful when users want to separate the replica catalog that they use for discovery of input files and the catalog where the output files generated are registered. For example use a Directory backed replica catalog backend to discover file locations, and a file based replica catalog to catalog the locations of the output files.
  • [PM-986] – input-dir option to pegasus-plan should be a comma separated list
  • [PM-1031] – pegasus-db-admin should have an upgrade/dowgrade option to update all databases from the dashboard database to current pegasus version
  • [PM-882] – Create prototype integration between Pegasus and Aspen
  • [PM-964] – Add tips on how to use CPU affinity on condor
  • [PM-1003] – planner should report information about what options were used in the planner
    Planner now reports additional metrics such as command line options, whether PMC was used and number of deleted tasks to the metrics server.
  • [PM-1007] – “undelete” or attach/detach for pegasus-submitdir
    pegasus-submit dir has two new commands : attach, which adds the workflow to the dashboard (or corrects the path), and detach, which removes the workflow from the dashboard.
  • [PM-1030] – pegasus-monitord should parse the new dagman output that reports timestamps from condor user log
    Starting 8.5.2 , HTCondor DAGMan record sthe condor job log timestamps in the ULOG event messages in the end of the log message. monitord was updated to prefer these timestamps for the job events if present in the DAGMan logs.


  • [PM-924] – Merge transfer/cleanup/create-dir into one client
  • [PM-610] – Batch scp transfers in pegasus-transfer

    pegasus-transfer now batches 70 transfers in a single scp invocation against the same host.

  • [PM-611] – Batch rm commands in scp cleanup implementation

    scp rm are now batched together at a level of 70 per group so that we can keep the command lines short enough

  • [PM-856] – pegasus-cleanup should use pegasus-s3’s bulk delete feature

    s3 removes are now batched and passed in a temp file to pegasus-s3

  • [PM-890] – pegasus-version should include a Git hash
  • [PM-899] – Handling of database update versions from different branches
  • [PM-911] – Use ssh to call rm for sshftp URL cleanup
  • [PM-929] – Use make to build externals to make python development easier
  • [PM-937] – Discontinue support for Python 2.4 and 2.5
  • [PM-938] – Pegasus DAXParser always validates against latest supported DAX version
  • [PM-958] – Deprecate “gridstart” names in Kickstart
  • [PM-963] – Add support for wrappers in Kickstart

     Kickstart supports an environment variable, KICKSTART_WRAPPER that contains a set of command-line arguments to insert between Kickstart and the application

  • [PM-965] – monitord amqp population
  • [PM-979] – Update documentation for new DB schema
  • [PM-984] – condor_rm on a pegasus-kickstart wrapped job does not return stdout back
    When a user condor_rm’s their job, Condor sends the job a SIGTERM. Previously this would cause Kickstart to die. This commit changes Kickstart so that it catches the SIGTERM and passes it on to the child instead. That way the child
    dies, but not Kickstart, and Kickstart can report an invocation record forthe job to provide the user with useful debugging info. This same logic is also applied to SIGINT and SIGQUIT.
  • [PM-1018] – defaults for pegasus-plan to pick up properties and other catalogs
    pegasus will default the –conf option to pegasus-plan to in the current working directory.
    In addition, the default locations for the various catalog files now point to current working directory ( rc.txt, tc.txt, sites.xml )
  • [PM-1038] – Update tutorial to reflect the defaults for Pegasus 4.6 release
  • [PM-896] – Document events that monitord publishes
    The netlogger messages generated by monitord that are used for populated the workflow database and master database, are now documented at 
  • [PM-995] – changes to Pegasus tutorial
    Pegasus tutorial was reorganized and simplified to focus more on the pegasus-dashboard, and debugging exercises
  • [PM-1033] – update monitord to handle updated log messages in dagman.out file
    Starting 8.5.x series, some of the dagman log messages in dagman.out file were updated to have HTCondor instead of Condor. This broke the monitord parsing regex’s and hence it was not able to parse information from the dagman.out file. This is now fixed.
  • [PM-1034] – Make it more difficult for users to break pegasus-submitdir archive
    Adding locking mechanism internally, to make pegasus-submitdir more robust , when a user accidently kills an archive operation .
  • [PM-1040] – pegasus-analyzer should be able to handle cases where the workflow failed to start
    pegasus-analyzer now detects if a workflow failed to start because of DAGMan fail on NFS error setting, and also displays any errors in *.dag.lib.err files.

Bugs Fixed

  • [PM-653] – pegasus.dagman.nofity should be removed in favor of Pegasus level notifcaitons
  • [PM-897] – kickstart is reporting misleading permission error when it is really a file not found
  • [PM-906] – Add Ubuntu apt repository
  • [PM-910] – Cleanup jobs should ignore “file not found” errors, but not other errors
  • [PM-920] – Bamboo / title.xml problems
  • [PM-922] – Dashboard and monitoring interface contain Python that is not valid for RHEL5
  • [PM-923] – Debian packages rebuild documentation
  • [PM-931] – For Subworkflows Monitord populates host.wf_id to be wf_id of root_wf and not wf_id of sub workflow
  • [PM-944] – Make it possible to build Pegasus on SuSE (openSUSE and SLES)
  • [PM-1029] – Planner should ensure that local aux jobs run with the same Pegasus install as the planner
  • [PM-1035] – pegasus-analyzer fails when workflow db has no entries
  • [PM-921] – Specified env is not provided to monitord
    The environment for pegasus-monitord is now set in the dagman.sub file. The following order is used: pick system environment, override it with env profiles in properties and then from the local site entry in the site catalog.
  • [PM-999] – pegasus-transfer taking too long to finish in case of retries
    pegasus-transfer has moved to a exponential back-off: min(5 ** (attempt_current + 1) + random.randint(1, 20), 300)
    That means that failures for short running transfers will still take time, but is necessary to ensure scalability of real world workflows
  • [PM-1008] – Dashboard file browser file list breaks with sub-directories
    Dashboard filebrowser broke when there were sub directories in the submit directory. this is now fixed
  • [PM-1009] – File browser just says “Error” if submit_dir in workflow db is incorrect
    File browser gives a more informative message when submit directory recorded in the database does not actually exist
  • [PM-1011] – OSX installer no longer works on El Capitan
    El Capitan has a new “feature” that disables root from modifying files in /usr with some exceptions (e.g. /usr/local). Since the earlier installer installed Pegasus in /usr, it no longer worked. Installer was updated to install Pegasus in /usr/local instead.
  • [PM-1012] – pegasus-gridftp fails with “no key” error
    The SSL proxies jar was updated . The error was triggered because of following JGlobus issue: 
  • [PM-1017] – pegasus-s3 fails with [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] has a cert that was issued by a CA that is not in the cacerts.txt file bundled with boto 2.5.2. Boto bundled with Pegasus was updated to 2.38.0
  • [PM-1021] – kickstart stat for jobs in the workflow does not work for clustered jobs
    kickstart stat did not work for clustered jobs. This is now fixed.
  • [PM-1022] – dynamic hierarchy tests failed randomly
    The DAX jobs were not considered for cleanup. Because of this, if there was a compute job that generated the DAX the subdax job required, sometimes the cleanup of the dax file happened before the subdax job finished. This is now fixed.
  • [PM-1039] – pegasus-analyzer fails with: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: ‘int’ and ‘NoneType’
    pegasus-analyzer threw a stacktrace when a workflow did not start because of DAGMan NFS settings.  This is now fixed.
  • [PM-1041] – pegasus-db-admin 4.5.4 gives a stack trace when run on pegasus 4.6 workflow submit dir
    A clean error is displayed, if pegasus-db-admin from 4.5.4 is run against a workflow submit directory from a higher Pegasus version.