Pegasus 3.0.1 Released

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Release Notes for PEGASUS 3.0.1
This is minor release, that fixes some bugs discovered after 3.0
release and some  enhancements. 


1) Pegasus VM Tutorial updated

   The Pegasus VM Tutorial has been updated to use a new smaller
   Virtual Image running Debian 6 on x86. The tutorial notes are
   available online at

2) pegasus-plots improvements

   The worklfow gantt chart produced by pegasus-plots now has better
   legend placement. The legends are placed below the x axis so that
   they dont interfere with the chart in the plotting area. Also the
   gantt chart generated now uses a fixed pallete of colors to assign
   colors to the different compute jobs in the workflows. Earlier,
   random colors were assigned to the compute jobs.


1) In the case where symlinking was turned on and the pool attributes
   of the source URL ( discovered in the Replica Catalog ) matched with
   the compute site, the source URL was not converted to a file URL. This
   lead to the symlink job failing when the workflow executed. This is
   fixed now and the planner now converts the source URL's used for
   symlink jobs to a file URL scheme.

2) Metrics displayed by pegasus-statistics were not clear as to what
   the worfklow execution time was, as two metrics with similar meaning
   were displayed ( Workflow Execution Time and Workflow Walltime ). The
   metrics names have been changed and the meaning of the metrics are
   explained in detail in both the output of pegasus-statistics and in
   the online user guide.

   Additional clarifications have been made to as how the metrics
   calculations happen on hierarchal worklfows.

3) pegasus-transfer when in file copy mode complained if the
   destination file already existed. This is now fixed .

4) pegasus-bug-report was broken in 3.0 release. This is now fixed.

5) Added support in pegasus-monitord for handling SUBDAG EXTERNAL jobs 
   without the DIR option. 

   More details at This is related to JIRA issue PM-300.