=============================== Release Notes for PEGASUS 2.3.0 =============================== NEW FEATURES -------------- 1) Regex Based Replica Selection Pegasus now allows users to use regular expression based replica selection. To use this replica selector, users need to set the following property pegasus.selector.replica Regex The Regex replica selector allows the user allows the user to specifiy the regex expressions to use for ranking various PFNs returned from the Replica Catalog for a particular LFN. This replica selector selects the highest ranked PFN i.e the replica with the lowest rank value. The regular expressions are assigned different rank, that determine the order in which the expressions are employed. The rank values for the regex can expressed in user properties using the property. pegasus.selector.replica.regex.rank.[value] The value is an integer value that denotes the rank of an expression with a rank value of 1 being the highest rank. For example, a user can specify the following regex expressions that will ask Pegasus to prefer file URL's over gsiftp url's from example.isi.edu pegasus.selector.replica.regex.rank.1 file://.* pegasus.selector.replica.regex.rank.2 gsiftp://example\.isi\.edu.* User can specify as many regex expressions as they want. Since Pegasus is in Java , the regex expression support is what Java supports. It is pretty close to what is supported by Perl. More details can be found at http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html There is documentation about the new replica selector in the properties document . It can also be found at $PEGASUS_HOME/etc/sample.properties To use this set pegasus.selector.replica Regex 2) Automatic Determination of pool attributes in RLS Replica Catalog Pegasus can now associate a pool attribute with the replica catalog entries returned from querying a LRC if the pool attribute is not already specified. This is achieved by associating the site handles with corresponding LRC url's in the properties file. This mapping tells us what default pool attribute should be assigned while querying a particular LRC. For example pegasus.catalog.replica.lrc.site.llo rls://ldas.ligo-la.caltech.edu:39281 pegasus.catalog.replica.lrc.site.lho rls://ldas.ligo-wa.caltech.edu:39281 tells Pegasus that all results from LRC rls://ldas.ligo-la.caltech.edu:39281 are associated with site llo Using this feature only makes sense, when a LRC *ONLY* contains mapping for data on one site, as in case of LIGO LDR deployment. 3) Pegasus auxillary jobs on submit host now execute in local universe All the scheduler universe jobs are now executed in local universe. Also any job planned for site local will by default run in local universe instead of scheduler universe. Additionally, extra checks were put in to handle the Condor File Transfer Mechansim issues in case local/scheduler universe. This was tracked in bugzilla at http://vtcpc.isi.edu/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=40 A user can override the local universe generation by specifying the condor profile key universe and setting it to the value desired. 4) Python API for generating DAX and PDAX Pegasus now includes a Python API for generating DAXes and PDAXes. An example can be found online at http://vtcpc.isi.edu/pegasus/index.php/ChangeLog#Added_Python_API_for_DAX_and_PDAX For more information on the DAX API type: pydoc Pegasus.DAX2 For more information on the PDAX API type: pydoc Pegasus.PDAX2 5) Interface to Engage VO for OSG There is a new Site Catalog Implementation called Engage that interfaces with the Engage VO to discover resource information about OSG from the information published in RENCI glue classads. To use it set pegasus.catalog.site Engage To generate a site catalog using pegasus-get-sites set the source option to Engage pegasus-get-sites --source Engage --sc engage.sc.xml 6) Gensim now reports Seqexec Times and Seqexec Delays Gensim script ($PEGASUS_HOME/contrib/showlog/gensim) now reports the seqexec time and the seqexec delay for the clustered jobs. There are two new columns in the jobs file created by seqexec - seqexec - seqexec delay. The seqexec time is determined from the last line of the .out file of the clustered jobs. E.g format [struct stat="OK", lines=4, count=4, failed=0, duration=21.836,start="2009-02-20T16:14:56-08:00"] The seqexec delay is the seqexec time - kickstart time. This useful for analyzing large scale workflow runs. 7) Properties to turn on or off the seqexec progress logging The property pegasus.clusterer.job.aggregator.seqexec.hasgloballog is now deprecated. It has been replaced by two boolean properties - pegasus.clusterer.job.aggregator.seqexec.log whether to log progress or not - pegasus.clusterer.job.aggregator.seqexec.log.global whether to log progress to global file or not. The pegasus.clusterer.job.aggregator.seqexec.log.global only comes into effect when pegasus.clusterer.job.aggregator.seqexec.log is set to true 8) Passing of the DAX label to kickstart invocation Now, the kickstart invocation for the jobs is always passed the dax label using the -L option. To disable the passing of the DAX label, user needs to set pegasus.gridstart.label to false Additionally, the basename option to pegasus-plan overrides the label value retrieved from the DAX. 9) show-job works on MAC OSX platform $PEGASUS_HOME/contrib/showlog/show-job now does not fail on unavailability of convert program. It only logs a warning and creates the EPS File , but not the png files. This allows us to run show-job on MAC OSX systems. 10) Enabling InPlace cleanup in deferred planning By default in case of deferred planning cleanup is turned off as the cleanup algorithm does not work across partitions. However, in scenarios where the partitions themseleves are independant ( i.e. dont share files ), user can safely turn on cleanup. This can now be done by setting pegasus.file.cleanup.scope deferred If the property is set to deferred, and the users wants to disable cleanup , they can still specify --nocleanup option on command line and that is honored. However in case of scope fullahead for deferred planning, the command line options are ignored and always nocleanup is set. 11) New Pegasus Job Classad Pegasus now publishes a job runtime classad with the jobs. The class ad key name is pegasus_job_runtime. The value passed to it is picked up from the Pegasus Profile runtime. If the Pegaus Profile is not associated, then the globus maxwalltime profile key is used. If both are not set, then a value of zero is published. This job classad can be used for users in case of glidein, to ensure that the jobs complete before the nodes expire. For the coral glidein service the sub expression to job requirement swould look something like this (CorralTimeLeft > MY.pegasus_job_runtime) 12) [workflow].job.map file Pegasus now creates a [workflow].job.map file that links jobs in the DAG with the jobs in the DAX. The contents of the file are in netlogger format. The [workflow] is replaced by the name of the workflow i.e. same prefix as the .dag file In the file there are two types of events. a) pegasus.job b) pegasus.job.map pegasus.job - This event is for all the jobs in the DAG. The following information is associated with this event. - job.id the id of the job in the DAG - job.class an integer designating the type of the job - job.xform the logical transformation which the job refers to. - task.count the number of tasks associated with the job. This is equal to the number of pegasus.job.task events created for that job. pegasus.job.map - This event allows us to associate a job in the DAG with the jobs in the DAX. The following information is associated with this event. -task.id the id of the job in the DAG -task.class an integer designating the type of the job -task.xform the logical transformation which the job refers to. 13) Source Directory for Worker Package Staging Users now can specify the property pegasus.transfer.setup.source.base.url to specify the URL to the source directory containing the pegasus worker packages. If it is not specified, then the worker packages are pulled from the http server at pegasus.isi.edu during staging of executables. BUGS FIXED ---------- 1) Critical Bug Fix to rc-client SCEC reported a bug with the rc-client while doing bulk inserts into RLS. The bug was related to how logging is initialized internally in the client. Details of the bug fix can be found at http://vtcpc.isi.edu/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=38 2) Bug Fix to tailstatd for parsing jobnames with . in them There was a bug where tailstatd incorrectly generated events in the jobstate.log while parsing condor logs. This was due to an errorneous regex expression for determining the event POST|PRE SCRIPT STARTED. The earlier expression did not allow for . in jobnames. This is especially prevalent in LIGO workflows where the DAX labels have . in them. An example of the problem line in DAGMan log 1/24 10:11:21 Running POST script of Node inspiral_hipe_eobinj_cat2_veto.EOBINJ_CAT_2_VETO.daxlalapps_sire_ID000731... Earlier the job id was parsed as inspiral_hipe_eobinj_cat2_veto instead of inspiral_hipe_eobinj_cat2_veto.EOBINJ_CAT_2_VETO.daxlalapps_sire_ID000731 3) Pegasus Builds on FC10 Earlier the Pegasus builds were failed on FC10 as the invoke c tool did not build correctly. This is now fixed. Details at http://vtcpc.isi.edu/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=41 4) tailstatd killing jobs by detecting starvation tailstatd removes a job after four hours when the job has been waiting in the queue WITHOUT being marked as EXECUTE in the condor log. To override tailstatd has an option of setting starvation time to 0 via command line or via pegasus.max.idletime property. The if condition in the perl script was not accepting 0 as a value when trying to override the default 4 hour starvation time. This fix allows the value to be set to 0 (turn of starvation checks) or any other value via the property pegasus.max.idletime. This was tracked in pegasus jira as bug 40 http://pegasus.isi.edu/jira/browse/PM-40 Documentation -------------- 1) User Guides The release has new user guides about the following - Pegasus Job Clustering - Pegasus Profiles - Pegasus Replica Selection The guides are checked in $PEGASUS_HOME/doc/guides They can be found online at http://pegasus.isi.edu/mapper/doc.php 2) Property Document was updated with the new properties introduced.
Pegasus 2.3.0 Released
on April 22, 2009
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