We respect your privacy. We will never sell your e-mail address or other personally identifiable information to third parties, or make that information publicly available without your permission.

We are a scientific project and we provide free software, so we do track the software usage. You are free to opt out from sending us your metrics. We combine your usage metrics with others to create an aggregate picture of how Pegasus is being used, and we report that usage in reports to our program sponsors. However, such usage reports never contain detailed information about your activities as an individual without your prior consent.

We reserve the right to contact you to request additional information or to keep you updated on changes to Pegasus. You may opt out of updates by unsubscribing from our mailing lists found here.

We do our best to restrict access to the information we collect. However, we are a research project and our software is constantly changing.

Changes to policy

We may occasionally update our Privacy Policy to reflect changes in our practices and services. If we make material changes in the way we collect, use, or share your personal information, we will notify you and/or prominently post notices of the changes on our website.