Pegasus 2.4.2 Released

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Release Notes for PEGASUS 2.4.2
This is minor release, that has some feature enhancements to pegasus-status
and pegasus-analyzer for working with Condor SUBDAG's.


1) pegasus-status tracks workflows of workflows better now
   pegasus-status now always shows top most level dag last in the long
   output. It also displays the percentage  of work done on the outer
   most dag. It tracks SUBDAG correctly, even if the submit directory
   for those workflows is not rooted in the top level dag's submit

2) pegasus-analyzer

   pegasus-analyzer now parses the VARS lines in the DAG file to perform
   variable substitution while figuring out the output and error files for
   the failed jobs. This is triggered when --strict option is passed to 
   pegasus-analyzer. In case of workflows of workflows all invocations
   of pegasus-analyzer for SUBDAGS have the --strict option included.