We are happy to announce the release of Pegasus 4.5.3. Pegasus 4.5.3 is a minor release, which contains minor enhancements and fixes bugs in the Pegasus 4.5.2 release.
The following issues were addressed and more information can be found in the Pegasus Jira (https://jira.isi.edu/)
Bug Fixes:
- [PM-980] – pegasus-plots fails with “-p all”
- [PM-982] – MRC replica catalog backend does not work
- [PM-987] – noop jobs created by Pegasus don’t use DAGMan NOOP keyword
- [PM-996] – Pegasus Statistics transformation stats columns getting larger ad larger with more sub workflows
- [PM-997] – pyOpenSSL v0.13 does not work with new version of openssl (1.0.2d) and El Captain
- [PM-976] – ignore register and transfer flags for input files
- [PM-981] – register only based names for output files with deep LFN’s
- [PM-983] – data reuse algorithm should consider file locations while cascading deletion upwards
- [PM-984] – condor_rm on a pegasus-kickstart wrapped job does not return stdout back
- [PM-988] – pegasus-transfer should handle file://localhost/ URL’s
- [PM-989] – pegasus-analyzer debug job option should have a hard check for output files
- [PM-993] – Show dax/dag planning jobs in failed/succesfull/running/failing tabs in dashboard
- [PM-1000] – turn off concurrency limits by default
New Features: