11.8. pegasus-db-admin

Manage Pegasus databases.

pegasus-db-admin COMMAND [options] [DATABASE_URL]

11.8.1. Description

pegasus-db-admin is used to manage Pegasus databases. The tool can operate directly over a database URL, or can read configuration parameters from a properties file or a submit directory. In the latter, a database type should be provided to indicate which properties should be used to connect to the database. For example, the tool will seek for pegasus.catalog.replica.db.* properties to connect to the JDBCRC database; or seek for pegasus.catalog.master.url (or pegasus.dashboard.output, which is deprecated) property to connect to the MASTER database; or seek for the pegasus.catalog.workflow.url (or pegasus.monitord.output, which is deprecated) property to connect to the WORKFLOW database. If none of these properties are found, the tool will connect to the default database.

The pegasus-db-admin tool should always be followed by a COMMAND listed below. To see the available options for each command, please use the -h option after the command. For example: pegasus-db-admin update -h

11.8.2. Commands


Creates Pegasus databases from new or empty databases, or updates current database to the latest version. If a database already exists, it will create a backup of the current database in the database folder. Pegasus databases can be created by 1) passing a database URL, 2) from the properties file, and 3) from the submit directory. Note that if the properties file or the submit directory is used, a database type (JDBCRC, MASTER, or WORKFLOW) should be provided.

update [-a] [-V] DATABASE_URL

Updates the database to the latest or a given Pegasus version provided with the -V or –version option. If a database already exists, it will create a backup of the current database in the database folder. The -a or –all option will also update databases from completed workflows in the MASTER database.

downgrade [-a] [-V] DATABASE_URL

Downgrades the database to the previous or a given Pegasus version provided with the -V or –version option. If a database already exists, it will create a backup of the current database in the database folder. The -a or –all option will also downgrade databases from completed workflows in the MASTER database.

check [-V] [-e] DATABASE_URL

Verifies whether the database is updated to the latest or a given Pegasus version provided with the -V or –version option.

version [-V] [-e] DATABASE_URL

Prints the current version of the database.

11.8.3. Global Options

-h; –help

Prints a usage summary with all the available command-line options.


Specifies the properties file. This overrides all other property files. Should be used with -t.

-s SUBMIT_DIR; –submitdir=SUBMIT_DIR

Specifies the submit directory. Should be used with -t.

-t DB_TYPE; –type=DB_TYPE

Type of the database (JDBCRC, MASTER, or WORKFLOW). Should be used with -c or -s.


Commandline overwrite for properties. Must be in the prop=val format.

-d; –debug

Enables debugging.

11.8.4. Update and Downgrade Options

-a; –all

Update/Downgrade all databases of completed workflows in MASTER.


Pegasus version that the database will be updated/downgraded to.

11.8.5. Check and Version Options


Pegasus version that the database will be updated/downgraded to.

-e; –version-value

Show actual version values (an integer number).

11.8.6. Database Upgrades From Pegasus 4.5.X to Pegasus current version

Databases will be automatically updated when pegasus-plan is invoked, but WORKFLOW databases from past runs may not be updated accordingly. The pegasus-db-admin tool provides an option to automatically update all databases from completed workflows in the MASTER database. To enable this option, run the following command:

$ pegasus-db-admin update -a
Your database has been updated.
Your database is compatible with Pegasus version: 5.0.0

Verifying and updating workflow databases:

Verified/Updated: 21/21
Failed: 0/21
Unable to connect: 0/21
Unable to update (active workflows): 0/21

Log files:
20161006T134415-dbadmin.out (Succeeded operations)
20161006T134415-dbadmin.err (Failed operations)

This option generates a log file for succeeded operations, and a log file for failed operations. Each file contains the list of URLs of the succeeded/failed databases.

11.8.7. Examples

# Create a database by passing a database URL.
$ pegasus-db-admin create sqlite:///${HOME}/.pegasus/workflow.db
$ pegasus-db-admin create mysql://localhost:3306/pegasus

# Create a database from the properties file. Note that a database
# type should be provided.
$ pegasus-db-admin create -c pegasus.properties -t MASTER
$ pegasus-db-admin create -c pegasus.properties -t JDBCRC
$ pegasus-db-admin create -c pegasus.properties -t WORKFLOW

# Create a database from the submit directory. Note that a database
# type should be provided.
$ pegasus-db-admin update -s /path/to/submitdir -t WORKFLOW
$ pegasus-db-admin update -s /path/to/submitdir -t MASTER
$ pegasus-db-admin update -s /path/to/submitdir -t JDBCRC

# Update the database schema by passing a database URL.
$ pegasus-db-admin update sqlite:///${HOME}/.pegasus/workflow.db
$ pegasus-db-admin update mysql://localhost:3306/pegasus

# Update the database schema from the properties file. Note that a
# database type should be provided.
$ pegasus-db-admin update -c pegasus.properties -t MASTER
$ pegasus-db-admin update -c pegasus.properties -t JDBCRC
$ pegasus-db-admin update -c pegasus.properties -t WORKFLOW

# Update the database schema from the submit directory. Note that a
# database type should be provided.
$ pegasus-db-admin update -s /path/to/submitdir -t WORKFLOW
$ pegasus-db-admin update -s /path/to/submitdir -t MASTER
$ pegasus-db-admin update -s /path/to/submitdir -t JDBCRC

11.8.8. Troubleshooting

Error 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query when dumping table

When updating MySQL databases, pegasus-db-admin uses mysqldump to create a backup .sql file for the current database. For very large databases, the dump may fail due to timeout limits of the MySQL database (which are set to 30 seconds for read, and 60 seconds for write). You can change these limits in the my.cnf config file by setting the following configuration parameters (the values below are only an example, you should adjust them as you may like):

net_read_timeout = 120
net_write_timeout = 900

After making these changes to my.cnf you must restart MySQL.