11.26. pegasus-remove
1 pegasus-remove removes a workflow that has been planned and submitted using pegasus-plan and pegasus-run
pegasus-remove [-d dagid] [-v] [rundir]
11.26.1. Description
The pegasus-remove command removes a running workflow that had been planned and submitted using pegasus-plan and pegasus-run. The command can be invoked either in the planned directory with no options and arguments or just the full path to the run directory.
Another way to remove a workflow is with the pegasus-halt command. The difference is that pegasus-halt will allow current jobs to finish gracefully before stopping the workflow.
11.26.2. Options
By default pegasus-remove does not require any options or arguments if invoked from within the planned workflow directory. If running the command outside the workflow directory then a full path to the workflow directory needs to be specified or the dagid of the workflow to be removed.
pegasus-remove takes the following options:
- -d dagid; –dagid dagid
The workflow dagid to remove
- -v; –verbose
Raises debug level. Each invocation increase the level by 1.
- rundir
Is the full qualified path to the base directory containing the planned workflow DAG and submit files. This is optional if pegasus-remove command is invoked from within the run directory.
11.26.3. Return Value
If the workflow is removed successfully pegasus-remove returns with an exit code of 0. However, in case of error, a non-zero exit code indicates problems. An error message clearly marks the cause.
11.26.4. Files
The following files are opened:
- braindump
This file is located in the rundir. pegasus-remove uses this file to find out paths to several other files.
11.26.5. Environment Variables
The path variable is used to locate binary for condor_rm.
11.26.6. See Also
pegasus-plan(1), pegasus-run(1)