11.35. pegasus-transfer

Handles data transfers for Pegasus workflows.
pegasus-transfer [-h]
                   [--file inputfile]
                   [--threads number_threads]
                   [--max-attempts attempts]
                   [--threads threads]

11.35.1. Description

pegasus-transfer takes a JSON defined list of urls, either through stdin or with an input file, determines the correct tool to use for the transfer and executes the transfer. Some of the protocols pegasus-transfer can handle are GridFTP, SCP, SRM, Amazon S3, Google Storage, XRootD, HTTP, Docker, Singularity, and local cp/symlinking. Failed transfers are retried.

Note that pegasus-transfer is a tool mostly used internally in Pegasus workflows, but the tool can be used stand alone as well.

11.35.2. Options

-h; –help

Prints a usage summary with all the available command-line options.

-f FILE; –file=FILE

File containing URL pairs to be transferred. If not given, list is read from stdin.


Number of attempts allowed for each transfer. Default is 3.

-n THREADS; –threads=THREADS

Number of threads to process transfers. Default is 8. This option can also be set via the PEGASUS_TRANSFER_THREADS environment variable. The command line option takes precedence over the environment variable.

-s; –symlink

Allow symlinking of file URLs. If the source and destination URLs chosen are both file URLs with the same site_label then the source file will be symlinked to the destination rather than being copied.

-d; –debug

Enables debugging ouput.

11.35.3. Example

$ pegasus-transfer
 { "type": "transfer",
   "id": 1,
   "src_urls": [ { "site_label": "web", "url": "http://pegasus.isi.edu" } ],
   "dest_urls": [ { "site_label": "local", "url": "file:///tmp/index.html" } ]

11.35.4. Protocols Supported

pegasus-transfer currently supports the following data transfer protocols:

Amazon S3 cp/symlinking Docker Pull Globus Online Google Storage GridFTP HPSS HTTP/HTTPS iRODS SCP Singularity Library SRM StashCache WebDAV

With the exception of Globus Online and HPSS, pegasus-transfer can handle transfers between seemingly incompatible protocols by inserting a file:// intermediary. For example, if you ask pegasus-transfer for a transfer between Docker and S3, it will be converted to two transfers, such that:

docker:// -> file:// file:// -> s3://

11.35.5. Credential Handling

Credentials used for transfers can be specified with a combination of site labels in the input JSON format and environment variables. For example, give the following input file:

 { "type": "transfer",
   "id": 1,
   "src_urls": [ { "site_label": "isi", "url": "gsiftp://workflow.isi.edu/data/file.dat" } ],
   "dest_urls": [ { "site_label": "tacc_stampede", "url": "gsiftp://gridftp.stampede.tacc.utexas.edu/scratch/file.dat" } ]

pegasus-transfer will expect either one environment variable specifying one credential to be used on both end of the connection (X509_USER_PROXY), or two separate environment variables specifying two different credentials to be used on the two ends of the connection. In the latter case, the environment variables are derived from the site labels. In the example above, the environment variables would be named X509_USER_PROXY_isi and X509_USER_PROXY_tacc_stampede

11.35.6. Threading

In order to speed up data transfers, pegasus-transfer will start a set of transfers in parallel using threads.

11.35.7. Retries

Failed transfers are retried, with an exponential backoff between the tries. If there are a lot of transfers failing in on attempt, pegasus-transfer might choose to short-circuit and fail early instead of trying all transfers multiple times.

11.35.8. Preference of GFAL over GUC

JGlobus is no longer actively supported and is not in compliance RFC 2818. As a result cleanup jobs using pegasus-gridftp client would fail against the servers supporting the strict mode. We have removed the pegasus-gridftp client and now use gfal clients as globus-url-copy does not support removes. If gfal is not available, globus-url-copy is used for cleanup by writing out zero bytes files instead of removing them.

If you want to force globus-url-copy to be preferred over GFAL, set the PEGASUS_FORCE_GUC=1 environment variable in the site catalog for the sites you want the preference to be enforced. Please note that we expect globus-url-copy support to be completely removed in future releases of Pegasus due to the end of life of Globus Toolkit in 2018.

11.35.9. Author

Pegasus Team http://pegasus.isi.edu