11.16. pegasus-integrity

Generates and verifies data integrity with checksums
pegasus-integrity [--help]
                  [--generate file]
                  [--generate-yaml file]
                  [--generate-fullstat-yaml file]
                  [--generate-xmls file]
                  [--generate-fullstat-xmls file]
                  [--verify file]

11.16.1. Description

pegasus-integrity either generates a file checksum (usually called from pegasus-kickstart) or verifies a checksum for a file using metadata in the current working directory (usually from PegasusLite).

Note that pegasus-integrity is a tool mostly used internally in Pegasus workflows, but the tool can be used stand alone as well.

11.16.2. Options

-h; –help

Prints a usage summary with all the available command-line options.

–generate files

Generates a sha256 checksum for a set of files, separated by :

–generate-yaml files

Generate hashes for the given files, output to kickstart yaml.

–generate-fullstat-yaml files

Generate hashes for the given file, output to kickstart yaml, with file stat records.

–generate-xmls files

Generate hashes for the given file, output to kickstart xml.

–generate-fullstat-xmls files

Generate hashes for the given file, output to kickstart xml with file stat records.

–verify file

Verifies a file checksum as compared to what is provided in metadata.


Display timing data after verifying files

-d; –debug

Enables debugging output.